
Studies & Degrees in Bromatology. Food Technology and Toxicology

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Bromatology, food technology and toxicology are all specific, but closely related scientific fields regarding the effects of foods and chemicals. While bromatology examines the nutritional content, man-made additives and group characteristics of food and drink, food technology focuses on the processing, storage, packing and other systems involved with food production. Toxicology covers the types and effects of poisons or other harmful chemicals found in food, fluids or the environment.
Universities, colleges and technical institutions are highly sought locations for this course. This is mainly because these three fields of study are often included under a ‘food science’ degree, so each branch may be studied alongside one another. A double major in toxicology and food science is also an option, while degrees in bromatology alone are becoming less and less common. A degree in food science, whether at a bachelor, master or doctorate level, is the most commonly achieved degree for individuals pursuing these studies.
Secondary schools often provide very basic courses in this science, focusing mainly on nutrition. Sections of this study are also available through different educational means, such as online programs or workshops offered by government agencies, health institutes, food-marketing organizations or even culinary schools. Some parts of this food science study, especially in the toxicology field, are more difficult to find in alternative means of education.
Skills, Qualifications, and Prerequisites for Studies in Bromatology, Food Technology and Toxicology
To study a post-secondary education program, students must meet the admission requirements of their school of choice. This almost always means a secondary school completion certificate and a passing score on a standardized aptitude test or entrance exam. A master’s or higher degree will require a previously earned degree in food science, or a similar field.
Online programs may have similar requirement to post-secondary programs, though some do not have any prerequisites. Workshops can be offered either to the public, to current college students or to applicable business employees. The prerequisites – from some required post-secondary education to work experience – will vary accordingly.
A passion and aptitude for the maths and sciences is essential to success in this food science course, since bromatology, food technology and toxicology all use advanced chemistry techniques. A fluency in technological programs and functions is also preferred. It also helps greatly is candidates love food, nutrition, exercise or healthy living.
Skills and Qualifications Acquired from Studies in Bromatology, Food Technology and Toxicology
Students may specialize in one of these three areas, but a basic course of study in this food science
  • Basic biology and chemistry.
  • Laboratory techniques, tests and procedures.
  • Laws and regulations surrounding food production.
  • Packaging, storage, testing and other food production equipment.
  • Food production integrated systems and computer technology.
  • Food groups and their corresponding properties (bread, meat, etc.)
  • Nutritional content of different foods and fluids (protein, etc.)
  • Effects of foods and fluids on the human body.
  • Types of toxins (pesticides, etc.)
  • Effects of different toxins on the human body.
  • Processes of detoxification.
Careers for Studies in Bromatology, Food Technology and Toxicology
Almost all individuals choosing to study this area of food science are guaranteed careers in the food industry. These graduates find employment as salesmen, managers, quality assurance monitors, technicians, food researchers, food testers, production coordinators and food and health officers (which monitor the safety standards of the food). Alternative areas of employment include the culinary arts, microbiology, nutrition, health science and education.