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The Escola Massana belongs to the European League of Institutions of Arts, Design for All Europe, Foment de les Arts Decoratives, Associació d'Artistes Visuals de Catalunya and the Coordinadora d'Escoles Públiques d'Art i Disseny de Catalunya. It is Barcelona’s municipal Art and Design centre and was established in 1929. The Escola Massana’s educational program is composed of three conceptual areas - visual arts, applied arts and design - for three educational levels: Basic Education (Artistic Baccalaureate), Further Education (Advanced vocational training programs and a university degree in Art and Design) and Continuous Training (beginners and specialist courses, leading to non-official qualifications recognised by the Education Department of the Autonomous Government of Catalunya, as well as UAB Specialisation Courses, and UAB Free-Choice Credits).

All Programs Available:
  • Engineering
    • Graphic and Industrial Design Engineering
Language of instruction


Type of school

Affiliated School


+34 93 442 20 00


Hospital, 56, Barcelona, Spain, 08001

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